Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 P52 Week 4: Sign of the Times

In case you missed it, this year I'm participating in a group photo project on the ClickinMoms photography forum. Each week, we are given a prompt for a photo. In the end we'll have 52, one for each week of the year. I've also been taking part in a weekly blog circle with some of the other women: that's what this post is all about.

For week 4 of my project 52, we were invited to think about and photograph something that might not exist 10-20 years from now. I had a few ideas for this photo, including maps and phone booths, but in the end, I chose something more personal. This photo is of P testing Aedan's blood glucose, something we do 3 times a day. The technology is already there to replace the finger pokes and glucometers with some kind of continuous monitoring, and I think that 10 years from now it will be commonplace, and likely incorporating smartphone apps.

P52 week 4: Sign of the Times

Please visit the rest of the talented photographers in the circle, starting with Jude!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot imagine what it is like to live with a child who has diabetes.


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