Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2015 CM P52 week 1: You

One of my goals for this year is to continue to practise and improve my photography. I'm going to try to shoot daily, but I'm also trying to be realistic! Between the two littles and a baby due in May, I know I'll miss days. But I still want to push myself a little, so I've commited to a group 52 project: posting a photo a week, following the prompts on the Clickin' Moms forum. Alongside that, I'm going to join in a blog circle with some of the ladies in the group. Week 1 is a self-portrait. Seems like a logical place to start the year, so here I am!

P52 week 1: You

Next in the blog circle is Karen!


  1. This is such a clever perspective and well-composed despite the clutter. I look forward to learning more about life in the Yukon!

  2. Great photo. It caught my eye on Clickin Moms, too. I totally get your description that went along with it. I have a 2 year old and a 6 week old. But thank god, I'm not pregnant too! Glad to see another Canadian in this blog circle!

  3. I love how beautiful and real this shot is. Great perspective!

  4. Great portrait, it tells a story. I look forward to learning more about you and your life in the Yukon.

  5. i love the perspective of this! Nice to meet you!

  6. What a wonderful photo! Look forward to seeing more of this project :)

  7. I love this shot, so imaginative and great storytelling :)

  8. this says it all.
    nice to meet you!

  9. This is great. I love the toys scattered around you, and the depth of field is fantastic.

  10. This was one of my favorite shots on the thread. So glad to link to you!

  11. I love the perspective in your shot, especially since I can totally relate! Great job!

  12. What a fantastic self portrait!


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