Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gratitude Sunday

Today I'm joining Taryn of Wooly Moss Roots for Gratitude Sunday.

This week, I have felt grateful for...

The health of my beautiful boy. It was one year ago this week that Aedan was diagnosed with neo-natal diabetes. It was such a scary time for us, and all week long the doctors, nurses, and paramedics who cared for him and for us have been on my mind. I am so thankful for their caring and their skill, and I am so, SO thankful that he is a happy, healthy baby today.

Tuesday night yoga classes. It is such a peaceful, positive time for this full time Mama!

All that P does for our family, from the big things like going in to work each day so that I can stay home, or getting up at 4 am to stoke the fire and heat up the downstairs, to the little things like remembering not to dump the contents of his pockets on the kitchen table. 

Clear blue skies, and starry nights.

Breaking new trail in my snowshoes while Aedan sleeps on my back.

The inspiration I find from the blog-world. I'm so grateful that there are so many people living the way they do, and sharing it with the rest of us!

"Meeting" kindred souls through blogging. 

Patience and perseverance.

Being able to let go of my stress over the mess and clutter of our home; taking small steps to make changes rather than trying to do it all in one afternoon!

Aedan's laughter.

The love of my friends and family. 

And today, on Remembrance Day, I feel the need to express my gratitude for the men and women who sacrificed their youth, their innocence, and often their lives to fight for the freedom of others. My poppa was one of those, though he lived through his war and was able to return to Canada and start a family. My wish is that someday, there will be no more wars to fight.


  1. bless your poppa and the good health of your baby boy, so much to be thankful for. snowshoeing with your baby sleeping on your back sounds like the most romantic thing in the world, what beauty surrounds you!

    1. Thanks Lori ann, I do feel pretty lucky most days!

  2. Your poppa looks so young in the photo! How old was he there?

    1. He was only 15! He lied about his age to enlist.

  3. such a beautiful list. <3 so many blessings.

  4. Snowshoeing with your babe on your back sounds so wonderful- we don't have enough snow yet to snowshoe but hopefully soon! Such a blessing that your sweet boy is healthy :)
    annie @ montanasolarcreations

  5. Tara,
    What a lovely list.
    When you wrote that you wish someday there will be no wars to fight... it brought tears to my eyes. I share your wish.



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