Monday, August 27, 2012

A Trip to Lalo Land

Keno City, that is.

I'll begin at the beginning. 
A dear friend of mine is visiting from St John's right now. We were offered a chance to stay overnight in someone's guest cabin in Keno. 
Who turns down offers like that?
Not us!

Early Saturday afternoon, three of us ladies piled into a car with babe, dog and a backpack full of fresh garden bounty, and hit the Klondike Highway to Keno.

We were following some typical Yukon directions: 
"Park in so-and-so's yard, go around the left side of their garden, then follow the trail down the hill for about a half kilometer"

As we came down the trail, we could hear the sound of a creek rushing down the hill, and see smoke from a bonfire, curling up through the trees. We had arrived in Lalo Land!

We were greeted by Ed, our host, and the lucky owner of the mineral rights to these old mining claims. He discovered this place about 3 years ago: two cabins hidden in out of control willow. He staked the claims and began fixing up the cabins and clearing the brush. His work has paid off: it is absolutely beautiful! 

The cabin we stayed in (his cabin, as the guest cabin was being used by a couple who were doing some work for him) was small and well kept, with a sod roof and moss chinking along the back wall.

Soon after we arrived, a light rain began to fall. We all tucked into the cabin to get dinner started while Ed played his guitar. Before long, the sun came out, and we moved out onto the porch, lit by the last warm rays of the dying day. 

We all sat around a huge bonfire, enjoying its heat in the cool evening. 
Aedan stayed up way past his bedtime, but we were still the first ones to retire for the night...

And of course, we were the first ones to wake up the next morning! Not wanting to wake everyone else up, I bundled us up and we wandered around the property. 
A light frost had settled on the ground, and it was cold and damp as we sat by the creek. Aedan was mesmerized by the water coursing over the rocks!

Once everyone else was awake, we packed our gear and headed out. 
We wanted to drive up to sign post hill to see the amazing view before heading home to Dawson.

What a beautiful evening spent with friends!


  1. Sounds like you had a great time, the view looks awesome. We'll have to make that trip sometime when we're visiting, I've always wanted to go to Keno.

  2. wowzies!! what a find! Lalo land. I wanna live in keno. in lalo land. :0)


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